Sunday, February 27, 2011

That Which Were My Insecurities are now my Inspirations

I was a kid who wanted to be beautiful, but more desperately wanted to feel loved. My self-esteem increased through the years, but I never quite shook the sneaking suspicion I’d ever be beautiful enough, or even lovable enough.
It would be easy to blame it all on society and the Kate Moss/Victoria Secret era of modeling, but I think it’s more than that. I just never learned to notice and appreciate all the beautiful things about myself. The stuff that has nothing to do with my waistline, height, skin tone or the shmiiiize in my eyes (as Tyra Banks would say) and everything to do with who I am.
I never learned to give myself credit for any of the good I did. I was too busy focusing on my weaknesses, mistakes, and flaws to recognize it.
It seems like such a cliché to say pretty is as pretty does, but the truth is physical beauty is subjective. And no matter how closely someone matches your ideal of physical perfection that will eventually fade. What endure are the qualities, passions, and habits we nurture.
That’s what makes us beautiful. Believe me when I say there is something beautiful in everyone. If you’ve done any of the following lately, you are absolutely beautiful:
Smile. As the quote goes, “I’ve never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.”
Be there for someone who needs you
Give someone an Uncontrollably long hug just because
Admit a mistake, even if it’s hard to say you’re wrong, and work to make amends.
Make a sacrifice for someone you love.
Forgive someone without needing to hear the words, “I’m sorry.”
Make someone laugh. A smile can literally melt stress and pain away. How beautiful of you to do that for someone else! Never underestimate the power of touching someone’s heart.
Take the high road when someone hurts you instead if being cruel or catty.
Measure a person by their best moments, not their worst.
Give yourself the same courtesy–focus on the good you’ve done, not the mistakes you’ve made.
Find strength in a challenging moment. It’s not easy to do, and you deserve credit for it.
Acknowledge the beauty in others, instead of feeling threatened, jealous or competitive.
Keep an open mind instead of sticking with a judgment or assumption.
Accept and love yourself–“Learn to live with what you are.”
Be the voice of optimism when the people around you need it badly
Hear what someone means, not just what they say. Anyone can nitpick. Not everyone actively works to be understanding.
 Honor the values that matter to you. Showing integrity is the first step to feeling good about yourself.
Treat people like you want to be treated.
Accept someone for who they are instead of trying to change them to who you want them to be.
Help a child feel good about him or herself.
Create something that helps people. A song, a blog, a support group anything that inspires.
Think positive thoughts and act with positive intentions.
Tell someone what you appreciate about them
There will be days when you may never be able to do any of the things I’ve listed above-in fact you might do the opposite. Even on those days you are still beautiful.
There are times when I’m having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Times when it seems like I might get swept into the tornado of chaos around me. There are times when the voice in my head is unkind, and I interpret everything that happens through a negative filter. When I think the worst of people and complain about it; when I expect the worst of my day and mourn it.
Me admitting this might seem like the biggest possible acknowledgment of hypocrisy, but all I can do or will do is be honest. And the reality is I’m imperfect, I’m flawed. We all are. We all have moments of weakness-but they’ll only define us if they far surpass the moments of kindness, compassion, love and strength.
Being beautiful doesn’t mean sticking to some picture-perfect fantasy, or living every moment that way. It means realizing this moment is a new opportunity to be who you want to be, and making the effort to seize it.

 I'm working very hard to take the positive route and overlook all that I've been dealt.  This year i have vowed for it to be my year of Reckoning, accepting that which is in me that is good, inspirational, loving and above all else focusing on all that "I AM", not that which I am NOT!

I hope that the things I write here can become some kind of Inspiration to at least One person even if you don’t follow me I hope you can take the time to read.  I know that I have been helped through reading other peoples blogs. If you stop by I just want to thank you ahead for your time .
 ...<3 God ...<3 Life ...<3 Fashn...<3 Fun

Friday, February 4, 2011

HappY New Year...! (Chinese & Vietnamese that is) The Year of the Rabbit/Cat

Okay, can I just say I am so thankful for a New Year Redo! Woooohoooo!! Thank you China & Vietnam, I was in total need of this. I figure hey what the heck my hairdresser is Vietnamese why not celebrate.  What is it that we women normally do before the new year? (any holiday for that matter)
We Pamper ourselves, go get our hair done and our nails did, lol, and GO SHOPPING!!!!!!  Heck I'll use any excuse I can to go shopping, shoot I don't even need an excuse, I go shopping just because it's one of the things I'm BEST at. Fashion is the one thing that makes things better. It's always changing and you can express yourself any way you feel. There's no right or wrong way in Fashion.  Now there's the do and don't list but  you're free to express your style in your own way. To each his own! 
 So, what did I do You ask? My cousin called and was going to get her hair done so I said, hey can she fit me in? Sure enough she said come on in, so I did and I said just do whatever! (pretty gutsy I'd say) But, I LOVE IT! Now I'm a New Woman ready to start my New Year! This time my friends I've got a New attitude to go along with it!  I'm no longer gonna be that doormat everyone decides to stop and wipe there feet on before they decide to walk all over it! I'm sticking up for myself and going to put forth an effort to be an even stronger person. 

Since things didn't quite turn out the way they were originally planned at the start of my new year I figured this was a sign.
Starting over gives me a good reason to reevaluate the issues that have arose since the old New year and to figure out a new concept of dealing with specific "issues". The "issues" that in turn damaged the start of what was to be a New Life for me, putting to rest the years of added stress and anxiety. We were to move to a new house where we were going to start a New Chapter, it was to be a new journey in the Book of Life's many Adventures. Well, that hasn't quite happened and it's actually been the exact opposite, kinda like a Black Hole where you can't see the end, it just keeps going and going and going. But as of today, February 3rd,  the Chinese/Vietnamese New Year, I am a New Woman! 

Here's to the Year of Great Prosperity and Good Luck!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Forgiveness is a Required Element...

I've heard it said time and again that in order to grow and improve your self-esteem you must step outside the boundaries we set for ourselves. This may increase anxiety but with constant positive affirmations you can overcome and face all your challenges head on.
 This is the only way you can move forward. One of the most important ways to do this is to learn to forgive. Forgiving others who have wronged you regardless of how, takes patience and perseverance. I seem to find that the simpler more petty things are the hardest to overcome or Forgive.
So what do you do? You find out the root of the wrong and understand that that person only acted towards the situation the best they could, given the tools they were taught during their lifetime. It is just as important for You to learn to forgive yourself for what ever choices you decided to make and the mistakes they might have lead to.You too only made the choices you did based on the tools you had. As soon as you have accepted the forgiveness and find the closure you'll be able to release the pain. 
One must remember each mistake is not a failure but a learning situation. So grab all the positive affirmations and inspirations, step outside your comfort-zone and go forth in your New life path. Believe me once you have unloaded all the baggage from not Forgiving, Life will be much Greater!
 I have found one rather large problem with this whole manner of forgiving. My question in regards to this is "what do you do if the other person continues to hold anything and everything against you?" How is it that you are to move on to a New life path when what you have forgave or been forgiven for, come to find out, becomes the next form of leprosy and returns to be hashed about anytime things aren't going that persons way? If anyone has an answer or some input on that I'd LOVE it.

Wow!!...So I'm guessing' I need to now apply what it is I have just written...Whoa!!! This is going to be a whole lot harder than speaking and thinking it.  I'm telling you it will take a lot of stress off me if OTHERS could read this and do the same. There's a few people who need to take responsibility for their IMMATURE actions and quit holding onto petty things and Forgive in order for things to truly be Lightened.  Unfortunately, were not genies in a bottle so we can't have wishes granted whenever we want.  It's unfortunate that we can't control how others respond so we can only do our part in the Forgiving with hopes that they will take heed and do the same.

If this Forgiveness train would go both ways I know my health would be SO much better. I would have less stress, which means my Life would be much smoother and I wouldn't have the fear of possibly having a heart attack or permanent stroke.  In case you didn't know STRESS is a Huge factor in that. Wow! I couldn't even imagine such a thing! No Stress? What? Y right!! 
 So my dilemma is how is it you get a person to not turn petty things into such Colossal events? Not to mention the fact that the reason there's a lack of forgiveness of such things is because of not letting go of issues that occurred long before you were ever around and had absolutely nothing to do with! If a person can't forgive the petty things that are really 1st grade issues to begin with, how is it You can move on? You're being the one held responsible for Every wrong that's occurred to that person. It boggles the mind to feel one way about someone/something and to have something held against you you have zero to do with or is based on pure fabrication.  I thought approaching the person and apologizing was doing the right thing going to allow us to move past rediculous.  Oh how I was sooooo Sadly mistaken!!  I'm now at a loss for words, and THAT my friends is unheard of! 

God P L E A S E Help Me!!!!! or should I say HER?!!!

So, I'm gonna Focus on me, have Faith in Me, Forgive as much as I can and try dearly to believe and have Faith in others!

Now get comfortable with forgiving; you will love how you feel each time you accomplish this feat.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. -Mark Twain

...<3 God ...<3 Life ...<3 Fashn 
...<3 Fun

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kate Spade New York

Love this video, Seven Henrietta Street a Film by Kinga Burza for Kate Spade New York