These are the thoughts that have been whirling around in my brain since before the New Year. I’ve been going over my feelings of insecurity and sadness of never being able to fulfill a work life in the Fashn Industry, or pretty much anywhere for that matter due to becoming ill. I was lucky enough to become a mother, which to me and I’m pretty sure every other mother out there would agree that is Life’s hardest occupation. For which I am truly grateful for and wouldn’t want anything different.
I’ve always had so much passion for everything Fashn, it just moves me. I’m like a kid on Christmas morning every time my magazines are delivered. I can’t wait to see what’s new inside. I have decided that this year no matter what I am going to open up a magazine or go on a Fashn site at least once every day! I know Fashn is something that puts a huge smile on my face, so why should I deny myself…If All things in Life were just that easy, we wouldn’t have the ambitious men and women in the world we have today, Life would be rather boring because we’d never have to strive for the things we want, Our Dreams!
So, today I was thinking,I hear so many people talk about how much they would love to have that special someone but still haven’t figured out how special they are themselves. I’m lucky to have that special someone, but still manage to shortchange myself when it comes to SELF LOVE. I know that I myself am a Huge Dreamer. For example, when I was in 9th grade my High school choir went to Baylor University for competition and my fellow choir mates got me a T-shirt printed up they said depicted me perfectly. On the front were the words, “Dreamin’ Again??” And on the back it said, “Of Course!!”
I know that I’m a dreamer or should say have big dreams of things that more than likely will not come to fruition, but I know that my dreams are what keep me going. I know I’ll not be the fashion stylist, designer, writer, photographer, pr girl or world traveler I always thought of being, but my dreams are Mine and they keep me going while I have to live in my daily pain, health restricted, lack of money making life…with a Smile!
So what is it we need to do?? Those of us who want more out of life and a way to stay focused need to look at things differently. I figure, the basis of action is the lack of imagination. It is the last resource of those who don’t know how to dream. We should all treat intuition with the respect it deserves. We’re all a bit intuitive we just don’t put it to use. So if you are affirming positive change, the solutions will likely arrive as Inspiration.
We need to remember as we start out this New Year to leave the past behind us, the painful times were lessons learned and the joyful times were treasured memories. We weren’t put on this earth to suffer we were born to turn pain into Greatness! Once we decide we want a better life, we than take the next step to becoming a more loving, compassionate and willing person. We must first be aware of disempowering patterns to start transformation hence Awareness begins Change.
When we’re ready and willing to change we’ll start looking at our problems as God’s personal message to teach us the lessons of life. We become less of a pessimist and more of an optimist. We begin to Learn from them and move on not dwelling on the negative, but reaching for the more Positive!! Life can be Wonderful if you just know how to live.
“Within you lies the same potential as in others.” You should know the same, the difference is others may unleash their power while you question yours. Go, Unleash it! Don’t let the words and actions of others negatively impact how you see and feel about yourself, one needs to learn Self Love above all else! I’m working on taking my own advice, LOL.
Remember it’s a new year and the Great news is the Past is OVER! Even better, the Future is in your hands and it’s up to You how you CREATE it!! Surround yourself with those Positive and Uplifting, “Life is too short to put up with fools.” It’s important to remember when you raise your standards; the type of people you attract is Amazing. You won’t have to convince them how Wonderful you are because they will already know.
If everything you're thinking keeps showing up in your life Change your thoughts. This simple action alone will Change your life!
One last thing... stop living so small. Knock down walls! Blaze a new path! Shout it from the rooftops that you have arrived!!
Hello 2011, You my dear are My YEAR!!
Create in Me a Pure Heart, O God, and Renew a Steadfast Spirit within Me. (Psalm 51:10)