Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fashn Finds...

Happy Sunday Everyone. I hope your day has brought you many smiles or at least some contentment. After all isn’t that what Sundays are for, to be content and relaxed before starting the grueling workweek. I’ve been looking through some Blogs and just wanted to let you in on two of my favorite for today.
One of my favorite and fashionably helpful blogs is the Recessionista. She is someone who knows her stuff when it comes to Fashn and dining out in this time of economic hardship.  If there’s a deal to be found she’ll be sure to post it.  You should definitely check out her latest blog
She talks about Gilt’s wardrobe reinvention and the 5 essential pieces. It most certainly can help when it comes to your planning & packing for a getaway. Considering the cost of baggage when flying this wardrobe reinvention can be quite helpful. You can always add a few of your own statement pieces, whether it be your favorite pair of shoes, jewelry or handbag, this will help make each look your own, a way to show your personal style.
Also, there’s something in there I don’t want the readers to miss it’s the part where she talks about you going through your wardrobe and while reinventing you donate your unwanted items to charity.  There are so many people out there in need and it’s a very simple way that we can do our part in giving a helping hand.
The second is Chictopia, this site is very helpful with Fashn info also.  They also show you 5 different, easy inexpensive ways to change the look of one essential piece that being the multi use Maxi dress. They show you how to go from day to night just by simply adding or changing a few signature pieces. This again, is helpful when having to minimize your wardrobe.
If there are any sites out there that you like or find helpful in Fashn finds comment and let me know.
 I want to thank you for reading and I’m hoping that my effort in blogging improves some soon. I know that my writing may sound very minimal, juvenile, or lack some Umph, but doing so really means a lot to me. If you can throw any pointers my way I would love it. I have found that blogging or some would just call it “Journaling”, is very therapeutic. It is helping me in the areas I’ve had difficulty with since my Strokes. I have trouble with my memory and understanding things so Blogging is a great way to exercise these areas.
 I may have had my career life and dreams of a life in Fashn cut short, but I’ve Never lost the desire, enjoyment and intrigue for the field.  I honestly believe that my love for Fashn has carried me. It has helped me pull through stages in my illness and recovery process that may have never happened otherwise.  I’ve come to terms with things after being disabled for 24years now.

… I have medical issues that are misunderstood because, “ I don’t look sick” or “I’m too young”, that doctors just shun me.
… I will always worry about having a heart attack or another stroke
… I will always wake up or not be able to go to sleep because of excruciating pain
… I will have good and bad days varying from hour to hour, but I will get better in dealing with it as time goes on
… I will always have health issues
… I may be disabled and have restrictions but it doesn’t define Who I am.
I have a very positive attitude, great Faith and a huge love for anything in the Fashn or Design Industry and believe it or not I still Dream that someday my wish will come true and I can do something for someone important in the Industry.
 I want to let those of you out there who may suffer with Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Tachycardia, Strokes or Sneddon’s Syndrome (which is pretty much the sum of ALL the above w/a lil’ bit more) that we all have bad days. We just need to make sure and look at each situation with a (+) attitude, stay focused and have Faith because this will carry you through. Our attitude defines how things take place; if we have a bad attitude we will more than likely have a bad day. We should always try and find the good in things, add a little color to our white canvas.
So those of you out there with any similar conditions Please Note: there is hope, Stay Positive, Faithful and continually Strive to see your Dreams come true.

…<3 God …<3 Life …<3Fashn …<3 Fun

"What is love? It is the action that can only be described as a journey that is never completed because it never dies. It carries forever."